Saturday, March 7, 2009

Sleeping pill !!!

Feels like this is a curse!!!

The moment I open my books to study ( or read anything related to it) my unconscious mind make me feel sleepy !! its like I take a sleeping pill.
The nerve in brain send signals which make my eyes tired and closes my mind,
though how much i read nothing reaches from my eyes to the brain.. wonder what barrier comes in between.

The only thing that can help me at this moment is coffee , coffee and more coffee...and music
I can listen to songs !!! (for as long as I want ) :@

I feel bad because deep inside I really want to study, but wonder why this is happening,
I must do a research maybe regarding it , that wont make me sleepy for sure :P
but that's not whats gonna come for exam (not yet :D)

What shall I do ???
now Hanguraama eh fashann veiyje brain aa dekolha!


Mike Abraham said...

yeah.. am on ur side..:) between u seems to have all the times in the world to do whatever u want dear..
so i dont think u shud waste any time to research on that..
as yu said that wont be comin in the exams:)

solaano said...

sleeeping pillssss....

First sleep well than start study

no coffeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeess

Anonymous said...

do you know what? When I start reading your lines i fell asleep and fkn even your lines are sleeping pills? I aint wanna sleep but the boring bit comes to boring and its so sossos boring..

Ephemirangel said...

@mike :I dunt have all the time in the world !!!! Im going to be very very busy !!!

@solaano :Im so addicted to it !

@anonymous: you should not have wasted your precious time readin this.. :D
I never told you to read ..

Mike Abraham said...

u say u fell asleep wen u started? yet u manage to keep awake to write the comment? funny:S

do yu happen to be commenting in your dreams? oh.. ur a sleep walker?
then, it settles things